Word Bank

  • lithographer- noun

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Response to Prompt 1

My peers has a great amount of influence on the language that I currently speak. Growing up around a certain group of people for so long will influence at times more then just your speech. I believe that if I was around a different environment the way I hold conversations would be a lot different in the professional environment. Some would say that clear thoughtful speaking is "white washed" but there is absolutely nothing wrong with holding an intelligent conversation. In this case I agree with psychologists. Parents also has a major influence but as a teenager you dont really spend to much time around them you are with your friends and thats where you begin to pick up on the different languages such as "slang." There is nothing wrong with slang but there is a time and a place to conduct a conversation using SLANG. Often I catch myself wishing that  I had picked up on a more professional language then slang because it is hard to transition from slang to professional and it takes time. Once the professional skills kick in I believe that the way I speak today will influence my peers to speak in a more standard way. Talking professional will even draw a different group of people around you and some will even dissapear.

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